Friday 21 February 2014

6 .Big Five Down

The first 5 were the hardest.. the "biggest" changes in your though process, and lifestyle..

If you have made it to this stage let me be the first to congratulate you on making it to this point. The purpose of this little post is just so that, in case you haven't, we may see how far we've already come. Let's take a look shall we?

When I first wrote Bliss, I mean, when I wrote the Into to Bliss, I never thought that I would have people reading any of this. I was thinking that I would take the journey on my own, and should anyone read Bliss, then they could see how much it worked for me.

The journey, that we are on, as you can see for yourself no doubt, is much harder than anyone expected. Let's face it, it's not easy always being honest with yourself. It is definitely not easy to see beauty in every situation either! 

I would lie to all of you saying it was easy for me, but even 5 post's later, 8 unpublished drafts, 125 faithful followers, and a couple hundred page views a week later and it is still hard for me to be honest within myself, to be at peace, to see beauty. However, I admit, I feel much happier already. I feel a ease with myself, and with those around me. I have the patience now, to be able to deal with almost everything. 

If your journey, is anything as similar to mine, it's not an easy one, but it is definitely much more rewarding. 

Let us not give up, instead let the challenge be a motivation. Prove to yourself, above all others, that you can change and be who you are, not who other's want you to be. Live for yourself, and give strength and courage for others to follow your footsteps.  Find within yourself to stay truthful, and to keep seeing beauty where other's unfortunately do not. 

You have reached this point. We will continue to strive and to push forward. Now that we have become familiar, and have started to work on the basic concepts, I believe it is a good time for us to keep moving forward. Keep working on the basics, and let us continue on this path that is rewarding us, and those close to us. Peace for all, first starts with peace from within you. Remember, work on this constantly.. Things don't change overnight, these are lifestyle changes needed to grow and develop.. kind of like learning how to walk.

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