Friday 21 February 2014

5. Meditation


When I use the word meditation, what image jumps into your mind? Religion jumps to the minds of most. Let me help you understand what meditation truly is, this way you can too enjoy this fantastic experience.

Clearing your mind after a long day, is without doubt a must. We all have our own techniques. For some, it may be a beer, some tea, others go running, while some lay on the couch, turn on the TV and zone out. All I guess are acceptable methods, some better than others. However, let me to introduce another one, which I believe is stronger, provides true relaxation, and may assist us on our journey.

To meditate is to relax and clear the mind of all.  This allows for your inner wisdom, your soul, to speak through the noise of your life. Meditation does not require hours of time, but it does require a little bit of it.

How to PROPERLY meditate;

1. Sit cross legged (or on your knees with a pillow underneath your butt), preferably somewhere soft and comfortable. Pretend to be seated on a flower, after all, you are a flower of god, and the universe.
2. Put your weaker hand at the top, stronger hand at the bottom. This is a symbol of vulnerability, and willingness for the strength to flow up from your soul. Important to be comfortable and rest your hands on your legs. The open palms is a symbol and shows the willingness to receive your wisdom from within and the universe.
This picture shows a left handed person.

3. Breathe. Starting out, I used to count my breaths. One-in, two-out, one-in, two-out. Focus on this while you meditate. "Focus on nothing". and count your breaths. It's hard at first, but after a couple times of true meditation, you will literally be able to "zone out" and be in an altered state of mind.

Its as simple as that, just remember to be comfortable, and you can switch it up. As you get the hang of it, you will develop your own style of meditation, and create your own symbols while you do so. I will post an advanced meditation post in a couple of weeks, after you guys start to master this.

Remember that your mind is like water, moulded by things around you, but always shapeless and limitless, just as your soul is.

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