Monday 6 October 2014

7. The Natural Cycle of Life

Why do we become saddened when things come to an end?

While talking to my gf today, she had just left a concert and while we were texting, I felt she was sad. When I asked her, she responded saying how she hates how everything must end.. the end of a good book, a series on the television, or even a concert. This got me thinking.. why do we become saddened when anything in life ends?

Think about this.. When the universe was created, everything was created with an end. As we know, the only certainty we all share in life is death. The end of our lives. Not to sound like a Debbie Downer, but with this in mind, would it not be natural that we should be saddened by an ending, or perhaps, look at it from a spiritual angle, and realize that the ending is simply the beginning of something else? Imagine reading a book that never ends.. you would never have a chance to discover any other beautiful piece of literature, apart from the one that never ends.

In the natural circle of life, everything begins and ends. In Buddhism, they believe in reincarnation, meaning that when one life ends, another begins-each one their own journeys and each life a new source and chance to learn, each life a new beginning. When an old tree dies, it slowly decomposes back into the earth. Once it has once again become one with the earth, it provides nutrients for the chance of a new tree to grow. One of my favourite quotes by Albert Einstein, "Look deep enough into nature, and then you will understand everything better". Remember when I talked about how it is important to look at the stars, or listen to the birds? It all ties in together, and suddenly makes even more sense. Do not live in fear, live in denial or ignorance.

Sometimes it's better to know when to turn the page, or to simply start a new book.

Reflect and meditate on the subject, and come back with your "Findings". Let us continue on our path to a state of Bliss. As always, I'll be waiting here. Next, let's talk about living "happily ever after".

This next section I dedicate to my friend, Josh.

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