Monday 12 November 2012

3. Learning to see beauty.

Only some people are able to be in the most brutal of conditions, in the worst of situations and walk around with a smile on their faces. Welcome to my world...

No matter how bad a situation may seem, there will at least be one positive  The hard part, is finding that positive and then look at the beauty of the situation. For example, being stuck in traffic to most is irritating and often seen as a waste of time.  If you are at ease with yourself, if you have peace of mind, then traffic may be nothing more than hanging out in the car for just a little bit longer. If it is warm, open the window's, enjoy the sun and the breeze on your skin. In the winter time, if it is a clear and sunny day, in the car I like to make it extra warm take my jacket off, and blast my music. Nothing feels quite like relaxing in the heat, the sun and a good tune on the radio!

It may sound simple, maybe even stupid to some. With the radio on, my (bad) singing loudly, I have a blast every time I drive. Most think it is ridiculous but to me, it keeps a smile on my face no matter what my situation is.

Why bother to be positive?  Why should we start to look for beauty? It is impossible to be happy within yourself if you are unhappy with the world around you. You must be willing to search for the beauty, and only when you find it on a regular basis will you be able to start enjoying life.

You will not simply wake up one day and discover beauty everywhere. It is something that must be worked on, thought about, learnt and trained. You must teach yourself to look for the beauty of a situation, or a moment. Even if it may seem very insignificant, allowing yourself to pick up on the positive even the vaguest and tiny thing, is a passage to understanding how. Start small, and soon enough, you will be seeing the beauty on your own, even without thinking about it.

Start small. It is simple, but it must be worked on. Try to see the beauty if you feel yourself starting to get angry, irritated or fed up.. it's the perfect time and way to calm down!

Sometimes, slowing down, may be the key and a great starting point. Never in my life have I been on time. My father, for one, is never on time either, and because of it, I grew up doing everything last minute, leaving too late, making lame excuses and being in a stressful rush all the time.

I was constantly late. Sometimes as little as 5 minutes, other times, well over 40 minutes. To me, this was natural, this was normal. That is until, my beautiful gf, one morning got very, very, very upset.

Gentlemen, when a woman get's angry at you, you do freaking anything to make sure that it never happens again.

Since then, I have never been late, and it has been over 4 months that I am late free. I wake up at 5:45AM, shower, get dressed, and go heat up the car. I leave my house at 6:30AM, and take my time all the way to my love's house, where I arrive at 6:55AM to pick her up at 7AM and we go have breakfast somewhere before school. Waking up earlier, I admit is not the greatest. The trade off of being early, and taking my time is more than worth it.

Seems kinda stupid when you write it down. Believe it or not, but I enjoy waking up earlier than I need, and just really taking my time. Try it one day and see how it feels.

What I am saying is that it is important to look for beauty everywhere, and in anything. For instead of seeing negative, thinking negative, think and look positively at this beautiful world we live in. Take care, and until next time, look up, beauty is everywhere. Our journey to reaching a state of bliss in our everyday live's is a work in progress. It is not something that happens overnight, but working on it together, we achieve more. The journey is the purpose and the destination; reward.

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